Yep I'm a nerd. I embrace it. hey, I didn't spend that much time craming Greek and Hebrew in my head not to use it for important things, like unlocking meaning in the very word of God or coming up with cool blog names.

Monday, July 17, 2006

in lieu of real material...

a question thing a ma bobber I got off Kelly's blog. It's late, I'm bored, read at your own peril.

Four Jobs I have had in my life:
1) "The reason I called is we noticed your Home Depot Account was past due... No sir, I will not, I don't think that is anatomically possible anyway... Anatomical. A-N-A.. nevermind."
2) Staff at MCF. Yes, it was a job, even if I got paid in post its and sarcasm.
3) Photographer for the Murray State Shield. cushiest job ever.
4) Weird thingy where I looked up the highest scoring player in highschool basketball games supposedly for a sports camp. I think I worked for the mafia in silent-except-for-country-music workcamp conditions.

Four places I have lived:
1) Dyersburg, TN
2) Murray, KY
3) Solihull, England. (summers count, I need four)
4) Johnson City, TN

Four movies I could watch over and over again:
1) Life is Beautiful
2) Cinderella
3) Monty Python and the Holy Grail
4) Breakfast at Tiffany's

Four TV shows I love to watch:
1) Good Eats
2) Grey's Anatomy, unless they do something stupid
3) West Wing. One day I will rule the world behind the scences and be a west wing staffer. My M.Div I'm sure will help with that. And the fact that I don't care all that much about politics.
4) Firefly. Canceled sci-fi space western drama comedy. I don't know Seth found it, I like it.

Four songs that will always be on my IPOD at least for the next month. (IPOD or knock-off equivalent, down with the digital right management of itunes.)
1)Bartender by Dave Matthews
2)When I'm 64 by the Beatles
3)Popular on the Wicked Soundtrack
4)The Fox Song by Nickel Creek

Four Places I've been:
1) Paris, Frace
2) Honalulu, Hawaii
3) London, England
4) Sao Paulo, Brazil

Four websites I visit daily:
1) google
2) bbc news
3) blogs
4) email (duh)

Four of my favorite foods:
1) crawfish boil
2) pretty much anything my cajun grandmother makes
3) Olive garden. yes, all of it.
4) Indian and Thai food.

Four places I'd rather be right now:
1) A year and half fast forwarded. Done with school, starting life. (Not really I'm looking forward to school this year, I'm just a little antsy to get this show on the road)
2) My parent's lakehouse.
3) Sitting in the cemetery of Holy Trinity Church in Stratford on Avon. It's not creepy, really, it's a park.
4) Hanging out with Kelly in Spain.

Four jobs I wish I could do:
1) Heiress. I could totally handle lots of money for no work.
2) A writer. Not the straving tortured emo kind, the eccentric, travel the world for inspiration kind.
3) Rock star, because really, why not.
4) Missionary to Europe. Working on that.