Yep I'm a nerd. I embrace it. hey, I didn't spend that much time craming Greek and Hebrew in my head not to use it for important things, like unlocking meaning in the very word of God or coming up with cool blog names.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I haven't worn real pants in a week

So I had surgery last Tuesday, it went really well. The recovery...not the best.

To sum up:

Things that are great about having surgery:
1. Getting new pj's (my Mom decided I needed new convalescing outfits, who am I to complain?)
2. Figuring out what the crap is wrong with me
3. No longer having to worry about what the crap is wrong with me
4. Having an excuse for my mom to come and visit for a week
5. Living in the age of laproscopy. Woot no huge incisions
6. Being taken care of by my wonderful and mostly patient husband
7. Missing work for a really good reason
8. When you puke at the hospital, you don't have to clean it up yourself.
9. Wonderful attentive nurses with wonderful pain drugs
10. Discovering that those kind hospital people have now designed gowns that do not require your rear to hang out.

Things that are not so great about having surgery
1. Discovering the hard way that narcotics make me "forget" to breathe in my sleep
2. Feeling nauseous from the anesthesia, the drugs given to me to get over the anesthesia and the drugs they sent me home with.
3. Not being told I should stop taking the prescription pain meds within two days after the surgery to avoid side effects until 5 days after I had been taking them. I was prescribed 36 pills to take every 4 hours. That's 6 a day for 6 days.
4. Side effects and their cures
5. Being part of the like .0125% of people who still experience "pain in the neck and shoulders" after laproscopic surgery for more than 24 hours after surgery. Like 6 days. It was weird to have my incisions not hurt at all and my neck and shoulders killing me.
6. Did I mention the nausea?
7. The world consisting of couch, bathroom and bed.
8. Watching too much bleeding TV. My brain has started to dribble out my ears.
9. Getting so freaking behind in school I'm afraid of the Herculean effort to get caught back up. Nausea + reading= no good.
10. Generally feeling poopy and not wanting to do anything. Not doing anything is boring.

I'm considering tattooing my entire body ala Memento with "Don't give me any freaking narcotics" in all of the world's known languages. Can't be too careful.

Good news is I've felt mostly human for a larger percentage of today then previous days. I actually thought about putting on real clothes today and then felt dizzy and decided against it. I hope to fell up to snuff by the end of the week. But overall, I'm really glad I had the surgery.

I mean what are convalescing outfits compared to a little ickiness?