Yep I'm a nerd. I embrace it. hey, I didn't spend that much time craming Greek and Hebrew in my head not to use it for important things, like unlocking meaning in the very word of God or coming up with cool blog names.

Friday, January 19, 2007

tag i'm it

So i was tagged by Kelly a while back and just now discovered it to come up with 5 things about me that aren't very well known. This is a challenge because I talk A LOT and tell the same stories A LOT. but I think I have more than 10. Ok here goes.

1. I have recently discovered a latent girlyness about myself. Exhibit A: I wanted a black purse for Christmas. Indeed, I have embraced the concept of a purse. It also had to be black to match my coat. I've found myself becoming concerned about whether or not it matches my shoes. And the one I got I'm REALLY excited about. It's one of those huge ones my friend Stacy refers to as luggage, which I enjoy because of Terry Prachett novels. It's big enough to hold a couple of books, but has nifty pocket on the sides so my phone and keys are lost in the abyss of the giant purse. See? Excitement. Weird.

2. I'm bad at peeing. I mean in a controlled situation I'm fine, but if I have to pee outside (which I avoid), I will inevitably pee on my shoes. When required to give a urine sample at the doctors, I will pee on my hand or the side of the cup and have even dropped the little cup in the toilet. Nurses do not appreciate that. When I had to take a drug test for citi, I couldn't pee on command (I had misjudged my timing and gone a few hours earlier) and had the sit in the office for over an hour willing my self to pee. They won't give you water, apparently that is against the rules. I had to come back the next day. So there you go, probably way too much information.

3. I'm a closet pacifist. I've come out at school a little bit, but not all that much. I had a class project where I had to defend the position "It is never OK for a Christian to use violence, even in the defense of justice." And it really made me think. Well, it made me make more concrete ideas that were kind of floating around aimlessly. I can't think of a single situation (and I have thought long and hard) in which taking another person's life is justifiable. Even Saddam's. Even Hitler's. It's just vengeance and the only thing vengeance leads to is escalated vengeance. You're threatening to blow us up, so we blow you up first. So you blow up two of our cities for your one. Etc, Etc. I've heard the famous "eye for an eye" preached as limiting punishment and it makes sense for the time period, clan justice, shame/pride society. only one eye for one eye, only one tooth for one tooth. Beyond that where does turning the other cheek come in? I could go on for a while, but that's another post.

Hmmm... that was probably too heavy for a list like this, anything I put next will be flippant. Oh well, go for the gold.

4. The only every day food I WILL NOT EAT is boiled eggs. I like eggs every other way, but something about the taste and smell of boiled egg. blech. Luckily, in most applications, they can be picked out.

5. Every group of peers I've ever had have at some point spontaneously stumbled upon using my "real" middle name as a nickname, thus the blog title. My whole life, literally since I was about 10 minutes old, I've been called Windy. But in high school, college and even here in Johnson City, I have someone who calls me Windham almost exclusively. There was never an overlap in people that used it as a nickname moving about with me and has never been actively encourage by myself, though I don't mind it. It always just...happens. I'm curious to see if that pattern hold if I move to a non-English speaking country. It is also the only nickname that has ever really stuck, excluding Bob's for me and we all know she's her own category ;-)

I don't know how interesting those were, if I come up with something better, I'll post it. But I do enjoy how purses, peeing, pacifism, eggs and nicknames all made it into the same post.